Ep. 9 - What’s the role of the coaching industry in collective liberation? (w/ Andréa Ranae)
May 21, 2024

Ep. 9 - What’s the role of the coaching industry in collective liberation? (w/ Andréa Ranae)

Andréa Ranae discusses the evolution of social justice in coaching, breakthroughs as coaches become politicized, and shaping the industry for systemic change.

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“My invitation is just to let ourselves feel the pain. That we don't have to have the shame on top of it. It’s painful to know that I have contributed to the harm of another person and that I had no idea. I don't have to hold shame about it. I can grieve that.”

In this conversation, Andréa Ranae and I explore some juicy questions: How has the coaching industry's engagement with social justice evolved over the past 8 years? What does it look like for coaches to recognize our collective power to shape the industry?

Andréa shares stories of the breakthroughs and challenges she's witnessed as her students become politicized. We discuss the importance of taking collective responsibility as coaches and healers. We also dig into the role of shame, and how it can serve as a wake-up call but shouldn't keep us stuck.

Andréa Ranae is a coach, facilitator, and singer-songwriter who has dedicated her life to exploring how we can live, work, and relate in ways that contribute to impactful social change.

In this episode

  • How has the coaching industry evolved in its engagement with social justice over the last eight years?
  • What were some of the key concepts and frameworks Andréa needed to introduce to coaches who were new to social justice?
  • What breakthroughs have coaches experienced as they became more politicized through her teachings?
  • How can coaches use their collective power to shape the industry and create systemic change?
  • What questions can politicized coaches ask themselves to work toward collective liberation?
  • How can shame serve as an indicator for change, and what role does it play in keeping systems of domination in place?

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I’d love to hear how this episode resonated with you or any suggestions for future topics/guests. You can email me at [email protected].