Ep. 6 - Climate Change Coaching (w/ Charly Cox)
April 09, 2024

Ep. 6 - Climate Change Coaching (w/ Charly Cox)

Charly Cox on empowering individuals to address climate change through coaching, motivating personal and systemic action. Find your role in the climate crisis.

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“My starting point is less about agitating for change and more about empowering people to believe that they can be actors in their own lives. We fundamentally believe that everyone has a stake in climate change, that everyone can make, can affect change around it.”

Today's episode features Charly Cox, author of the book "Climate Change Coaching."

In this conversation, Charly's approach to holding a systemic view stands out. She not only believes in our client's ability to change but also in the system's ability to change. Her coaching helps clients see their situation from this broader perspective. Charly shares her story about realizing that coaches don't have to be "neutral" and can bring their own values forward in their work.

Some background on Charly Cox and her work: She founded an organization called The Climate Change Coaches, which focuses on empowering climate leaders with coaching skills. Their climate coaching approach helps leaders and individuals find their unique role in addressing the climate crisis. It motivates them to take action and enact behavior change at the personal, organizational, and systemic levels.

Key moments

  • 01:39 - Charly Cox's Journey to Climate Change Coaching
  • 06:20 - Bridging Climate and Coaching
  • 13:48 - The Unique Approach of Climate Change Coaching
  • 20:26 - "Having an agenda" vs living your values as a coach
  • 32:39 - Charly’s sources of nourishment
  • 34:42 - Closing

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